
Saturday, April 14, 2018

The weird things Nostalgia causes to happen.

Stormy Jonay

This was a Star Wars character I RP'd for close six years and then stopped due to issues with another player (albeit my fault for getting involved with that idiot. That idiot I stayed in TN for and so much shit could have changed if I hadn't developed a crush on him.)

Mind you I'm not really sure why Star Wars: Unforeseen Destiny crossed my mind. It'd been close to a decade since I had last thought of it just because of other things going on. So I went digging, partly out of fondness and partly because I wanted to see how they were doing.  This RP board is so old guys it started out on  Yeah, that old.  Now this was our universe of Star Wars with it's own timeline after the events of Return of the Jedi.  Mara Jade and LukeSkywalker had been dead and gone for thirty years at least when Stormy came on scene.

I decided for shit and giggles to wrap her here. The board they moved.... just kind of died around 2011, six years ago.  They tried to start up again it looks like but...Life is not a kind nor cruel entity. It's just there.

So....let's see what I can do here.

There was no telling how long the message had been sitting there, let alone if anyone would ever see it. Yet, she had still sent it. 

 "If you're wondering, it was nostalgic fondness. For whatever reason, your names crossed my mind again for the first time in.... Force it's been a decade at least." 

 Salt and pepper hair in a pixie cut, the woman leaned on a stack of cargo. 

 "Honestly, I guess I just hope you're all doing well. I hope you're as happy as one can be in this crazy universe. Yes, I smiled when I remember you all. No, I'm not coming back. For what its worth, I'm doing good too. Stay safe out there and May the Force be with you always." 

 Whether or not the signature on the message meant anything to anyone anymore, she still signed it simply "Stormy" and hoped the recipients knew, she meant her wishes.

 Maxwell frowned as he looked at the image of his lost first wife. She wasn't one to normally be so...short. The date on it though was 10 years ago. The Reborn Sith Empire's emergence. She was probably figuring that it was Daniels or Boolin watching it. Hiro picked up the holoprojector and handed it to his father. Max turned it over to see the bottom and smiled. Turning it back upright, he tapped a short code into the project and set back it on its table. 

 At first the images were fragmented, the voices robotic and rife with static. Suddenly the image of a hand came smashing down on the projector and a familiar voice cut in suddenly "-fracking...oh now you start working you piece of poodoo." 

 A younger Stormy sat down in front of the recorder. Maxwell felt his heart seize up for a moment. This...this was years ago. Twenty to be exact. Right around the time she had gone to help her mother in her final days. 

 "I have no idea whose watching this or even if this piece of junk will last long enough for anyone to be able to see it." 

 A male's voice off the side said something. 

 "I don't need any sass from you bub." 

 A half Zabrak/Half human stuck his face in between her and the projector. He squinted into it and pretended to pick his nose.

 "Seriously Ka'ad?"

 "What? Gotta make sure folks believe me when you tell them I'm you're half brother." He vanished out of the screen. 

 "Trust me the sarcasm alone is a dead give away." 
 Something flew across the screen as Katd tossed something at Stormy, who merely ducked.

 "If you're watching this, then it's most likely Maxwell and hopefully Hiro. I miss you. Please understand I'm not staying away because I don't love you too. It's just... ever since mom died guess whose got the thankless task of decommissioning the Imperial Reborn?" She pointed at herself with a 'Oh happy happy joy joy' smirking frown on her face.

 "Be safe my dears. Barring the Universe and the will of the Force, I'll be home soon." 

 The message ended and four unread messages showed to be next in the que. It automatically played the next one. 

 "Hello my darlings."

 The date on the second one was five years from the first.

 "I wish had better excuses for the time gap, but I don't. While the rest of the galaxy was having its fun with the Republic and the Sith Empire, the Hutts decided to have a civil war. Jargu wasn't pleased with this attack on his clan and I needed the extra credits. Getting everyone who had committed themselves to Sichi home proved almost impossible. But I managed. Finally managed. It took almost a year to get the last Class Titan Star Destroyer into a state of being neutral looking.

 Hopefully they all make it home. The captain has plans of committing that vessel to the system defense fleets. They were from a system on the edge of the Unexplored Territories. Neat world system to be honest, I hope to visit someday with you and Hiro." 

 She paused for several moments. Maxwell noted his first wife now had a long thin scar running the length of her jawline. She opened her jacket to show the new lightsaber dangling from it.

 "Silver bladed lightsabers are still a rare thing but the crystals found me while I was digging through the lower layers of a rival Hutt Lord's ruined palace." 

She dropped her jacket as Katd stuck his head into the recorder. 

 "Hey Nephew, just wanted to let you know, you've a cousin."

 "Ka'ad at least step back so the recorder can see your whole family."

 "Oh right!" 

 Katd stepped back and wrapped his arm around a female Zabrak holding a small girl child.

 "We named her Sichi after our mother and your grandmother, Hiro. Hopefully someday, you'll get meet her. Have you...." Katd looked at his sister. 

 "I was just getting to that." 

 The family vanished as Stormy sat down and looked thoughtful for several moments. 

 "There was a Thanatos Burrden that had approached me in the months after mom's death. Trying to see if he couldn't galvanize me into leading the Imperials. What he didn't know was Sichi's memories and that she had planned on sending him on the most frelling dangerous mission I think I've ever encountered." 

 She pointed to the scar.

 "He gave me this one night after we had been drinking and I made it clear I had other responsibilities and being a galaxy conqueror was not one of them. Damn shapeshifter forgot I knew how to use force lightening now thanks to mom. Jargu's pets weren't pleased with how pieces that there were when I was done chopping him up. Yes, you knew the creep. Was one of your men under the name Corran I think." 

 Maxwell hissed through his teeth. Yes, he knew that name. At least the freller was dead. 

 "We're still in the middle of this civil war it looks like. How the damn hell I've ended up with the title of General I'll never know."

 She looked and nodded something to an unfamiliar voice while shutting off the recorder again. 

 The third message was only six months after the second. 

 "Hello darlings, well I've good new and bad news. The civil war the Hutts decided to have is finally over. Should the greater galaxy inquire, it's going to be spun as war games. Totally better, right?" 

 The woman half smiled at the recorder. 

 "I meant to tell you in a prior message, but it looks like the Hutt Council is going to commission an archaeological trip on one of the ancient hyperspace lanes. They want a Force user on it, possibly commanding. If this goes through, barring the galaxy imploding into war.... I'll be coming for both of you and whomever you've married Max and we're going an adventure." 

 Maxwell winced. He had since re-married as the rest of the universe believed Stormy Jonay dead. Stormy wanted it that way.

 "I should have come grabbed you two in the dead of the night, but my pride demanded I deal with my mother's loose ends without involving anymore people." 

 The fourth message started up, a year later. 

 "Damnit Max, the hell is going on out there?" 

 He sighed. This was around the time the Republic and Sith Empire went to war again. It wouldn't have been safe for Stormy to come back at all. 

 "I love you sweetie, take care of our son."

 The fifth message started playing, the date made it clear it was recorded on the same day as the automatic message.

 "The archaeological mission is a go. You're looking at Captain Marse now. I'd come get you two and anyone I could grab, but only the Force knows if you're still even alive. And frankly I'd rather not deal with the Sith again. Max and Hiro, I love you two. 

Someday we will see each other again, be it this life or the next. This is the last message you'll find here. The Hutts have decided if this forgotten region is fruitful, they're picking up and moving. There'll a good amount of space between us and those Sith. Once everyone is settled, I'll come for you. ...I know I keep saying that." 

 Salt and pepper now crowned the pixie cut Stormy was wearing. Max realized he hadn't noticed until now how much older and yet unchanged she seemed. Hiro stood next his father, looking at his mother with a sad smile.

 "I've left a few clues here and there, so maybe you can come find me or at least follow me. Ka'ad and his family could use their brother in law and nephew. By the way, they've three kids now with a fourth on the way. None of the force sensitive thankfully. I might be the last of the line to ever be. One can hope.

 Hiro tell no one ever of our heritage. You're Echani. The son of Maxwell and The Lost Jedi Stormy."

 She chuckled at last bit. 

 "The Force will be with you. Always." 

 Hiro looked down at his father. Maxwell reached out and picked up the small device and dropped it into his haversack. He looked up at his son. 

 "Well Captain Myers?" 

 Hiro thought carefully. At 24 years of age, he was ready to go out and find his own way but his mother laid heavy on his mind. An older blue Twi'Lek woman stepped around the corner and cleared her throat. 
 "Found the sign you told me to look for dear."
 "Meli, thank you." Hiro looked at his father. "Let's go searching. There's nothing left in the Republic for us."
 Somewhere on the edge of the galaxy, Stormy felt a small ripple go through the Force. She stood up from the droid she was working. Sichi, her niece of 14 years and now Force Apprentice looked at her.  


 She smiled. 

 "It's...a long story."

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