
About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog the "Wandering Witch".

I'm Evelyn, the witch in residence here at this corner of the net.  Don't mind the yarn stash, as it's not actually growing as my Fiance accuses me of, and no it won't eat you.  Here at my personal blog, you'll find some of the adventures (and misadventures) of my life, the occasional rant and many many things about my various hobbies.

There are a variety of blog links over there on the right hand side if you'd like a bit more to chew on in terms of content or you're just bored and need the time passer.

I am not paid to review things (sadly) and even if I was I'd probably not be in high demand as I'm not afraid to give a negative review if something is of poor quality.

You'll note that this is the official blog for JadeRoseZen as the wordpress site has been discontinued due to I can't use my Etsy Html or Amazon Affliate ads over there without paying for a business account.  I don't have that kind of profit margin for that kind of thing.

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