
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Here comes my month!

October and the Autumn Equinox are around the corner. Honestly I can't wait.  That's when it starts cooling down here in Phoenix and it's NOTICEABLE. The days of not having to feel bad about warm foods and drinks creep along getting closer and closer.

Were I a more out and about person, I could get away with wearing something outside of my shirt now and zero worries about the dirty looks. They become eye rolls this time of year and many times are the door opening to a constructive and productive conversation about superstitions.

Black, oranges, greys, reds and purples come out in force along with corn and squashes in preparation for Thanksgiving just the next month over from Halloween. The lizards stop darting across my windows in chase of juicy fat bugs and find places to hide from the ever shortening days, along with the local outdoor cat population now that it's getting comfortable to move around outside again.

How am I doing? Well, I think I'm all right. I've survived this month of notorious asininity so far. We've still at least a week.  We're almost there in paying off the car. WOOT even, though we might have a bad alternator that we're dealing with right now and something in the AC isn't working quite right either.

I've been busy working on holiday cards, presents, ornaments. Even realized I could really make orders from the Etsy shop sing a little bit louder if I include a small thank you card.

I know the blog has been quiet. That I've been trying to help but sometimes my Muse just doesn't want to talk to me in this manner.

I'm going to be aiming for at least one blog post a week next month.  If not two.  A Witchy Wednesday's post (You know how I like to get philosophical at times with the WitchCraftiness) and a in general "hey here's how I'm doing and oh, would you like to see my projects, here ya go" kind of post.

If I'm lucky, I'll get back into the rhythm of writing again.  I can't promise that the story serials will come back though.  I know there were folks who enjoyed those but those stories just aren't talking to me right now.  It's bothersome yes.

Just about the only thing in the garden that survived the summer was the Aloe and that was just barely.  We've been talking about just herbs and peppers this year for our small container garden set up.  Maybe even a small raised bed.  Gods know we have boards, it's just keeping the dogs out of it.

We bought a chainsaw. DR stopped arguing when he realized how inexpensive one can be and given we're in need of taking care of a few things, it's going to be seeing some decent use.

I bought a wood carving tool which I'm going to be learning and practicing with.  Looking forward to cracking open and using the grill again along with my cast iron dutch oven. 

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